There is not too much to say except that it is still Winter, it is still cold, the skies are still gray, etc. I know I can't complain. Compared to last winter, this has been a cake walk. I think we have shoveled snow 3 times. (Last year, it felt like every day). So in lieu of anything profound to say, here are a few favorite photos from the last few weeks:
I think my street look amazing during a snow storm. I just love it. Everytime it snows, I take this exact photo. I don't think it looks near as amazing in the spring, summer or autumn. |
I have a weird obsession with the way the boots and coats are hung at the kids' school. I can't get over how they are lined up perfectly in a row. Maybe it is because at my house, they seem to be thrown randomly inside of the door. |
I want so badly to take a GOOD photo of a snowflake. I've taken at least a hundred. They never come out exactly right. Even with the macro lens, I find it almost impossible to focus. |
I totally stole this idea from a book and then tried to make more snowflakes with Photoshop.
It totally looks fake. I'm not liking it at all. |
I still think it is pretty cool that the kids ice-skate as part of their gym class. |
Like it too!! I've only shoveled once so far and that was only <2" and probably not necessary. Not like our last few years either.