Friday, 10 June 2011

WARNING: Do not read if you don't want to hear me brag!

I love surprises . . . especially when the surprise is learning that my 13-year-old won not one but TWO awards at school today during the closing awards ceremony!!  The first award he received was the History Award . . . . an honor given to the student who was the best overall 7th grade history student.  As far as I understand, this award does not necessarily mean "highest grade" but best effort, interest, creativity, appreciation, knowledge & general love for history.  Now, I will take this time to point out that 7th grade history is, in fact, Canadian History.  So . . . I love the irony that the award was given to an AMERICAN. 

As cool as that award was, the second award is even more amazing.  Tyler won the Nehemiah Award.  This award, which is named after Nehemiah in the Old Testament, is given to the student who, with God's help, perseveres and excels despite difficult circumstances or challenging odds.  The teachers and administration choose which student will receive the award.  I guess Tyler's "difficult circumstance" was moving from Mexico to Canada and adjusting to a new culture, new school, etc.  Anway, we are super super proud.  I'll be honest . . . I don't really need someone to "officially" tell me how special Tyler is . . . but I'm not going to complain about having to find a spot for this trophy!