Friday, 6 May 2011

Hannah's 11th birthday

Is it weird to be sad that it is Hannah's birthday?  She keeps getting older and I'm not ready to give up princessess, dolls or fairy tales yet.  I know there will be new adventures ahead but I'm kind of partial to the old adventures.  I know I'm blessed.  She still is very much a "little girl" . . . for that I am very thankful.  But I can hear the clock ticking.  I know it won't be long before I wake up and find that I have a teenage girl living in my house.  For now though, it is still mostly Barbies and American Girl.  I hope it lasts for at least a little while . . .

I picked up Hannah from school at 3:30 for an early mom/daughter date at Pizza Hut.  We spent most of the dinner planning her Greek Mythology project for school.  We just finished watching a movie together.  Out of all the movies in the world, she chose Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure.  See!  She still is my little girl!

1 comment:

  1. That's an awesome picture. I love the candles. I don't know what Sharpay's Fab Adventure is.
