Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Weekend

Our last EASTER weekend in Canada . . . . it is bittersweet.  The warmer temperatures and melting snow are just reminder that Winter has ended and we have only a few months left in Toronto.  Although a nagging voice inside me kept taunting me with spending the extended 4-day weekend cleaning out closets and sorting through boxes, we chose instead to enjoy the time together doing . . . well . . . a little bit of everything.


Alex's Easter program at North Toronto Christian School was a beautiful beginning to the weekend.  Rows and rows of students singing and proclaiming the JOY of EASTER.  They sang 10,000 Reasons, Christ the Lord is Risen Today and O Happy Day.  They were adorable, amazing and everything else you would imagine a group of elementary students to be.


We went to Good Friday service at The People's Church.  The music was breathtaking - truly.  The church was packed.  So many people had to stand in the back because there were no seats.  There was no sermon, just music, communion and singing.  A quiet and somber reminder of Christ's death but at the same time the knowledge that Sunday - and with it REJOICING - is coming.  


We headed to Bruce's Mill on Saturday for the Maple Sugar Festival.  It was still on our "to do" list before leaving Canada.  We enjoyed seeing the process of making maple syrup, and Alex especially liked the free samples.  The kids are convinced that we need to "tap" our own maple tree and do this ourselves.

After our adventures at the Maple Syrup Festival, we headed to Target.  Target just opened in Canada.  There were LOTS of celebrities, LOTS of fanfare, and LOTS of comparisons between U.S. Target and Canadian Target.  I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.  It is complicated.  

After our trip to Target, we came home and grilled hamburgers.  It was so nice to have "grilling weather" again.  We spent about an hour decorating eggs.  I didn't take a single photo, but they were beautiful and creative Easter Eggs.  The kids did a great job. We spent the rest of the evening watching the Wichita State game.  As die hard Jayhawk fans, we are sad that KU didn't make it to the final four; however, we are thrilled to see another Kansas team represent!


"He is Risen."

We were up early to search for the eggs "mysteriously hidden" while we slept.  We can never find them all before church. This year there were still 6 missing when it was time to get dressed and leave for Easter service.  The church service was powerful . . .  the message so timely and yet so relevant.  

They showed this video before the sermon . . . for me a powerful reminder.

For me also, today brought the sad realization that it was our last Easter at our church in Toronto.

After church we enjoyed a lunch of ham, potatoes, vegetables and bread.  The afternoon has been quiet.  We watched last Sunday's episode of The Bible miniseries and the kids are now playing Animal Crossing on the Wii.  It is quiet.  Tomorrow will probably involve catching up on homework, leftovers, some laundry.  Possibly a trip to the theater to see the movie OZ.  One last day of rest before school & work on Tuesday.